DirectorProf. Dr. Kerem Cem SANLI
Kerem Cem Sanlı graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Law in 1996. He received his master's degrees from Marmara University private law program in 1999 and from Harvard University's law department in 2000. Then he completed Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences private law program and earned the title of doctor in 2006, the title of associate professor of civil law in 2017, and the title of professor in 2023. Sanlı is a faculty member at Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law and has been the director of the Competition Law and Policy Research Centre since 2010.
Areas of Study: Competition Law, Liability Law, Behavioral Law and Economics, Economic Analysis of Law
Click for detailed CV
E-mail: cem.sanli@bilgi.edu.tr
Phone: +90 (212) 311 51 60