Dijital Görsel EN

Competition Law Enforcement in Digital Markets Certificate Programme

This certificate programme deals with the problem of economic concentration caused by digital markets and especially platforms and the debates created by this problem in competition policy and law and new approaches related to it.

Especially in the last decade, the internet-based digital economy has tended to concentrate substantially, and this has led to the rapid abandonment of the views accepted in the early 2000s that the internet economy will increase competition and innovation. Today, the idea that digital economies will cause concentration problems due to their structural features is widely accepted. In this framework, almost all competition authorities, including the Turkish Competition Authority, conduct investigations in this sector. All these activities have brought about the debate about whether competition law rules and reviews are sufficient for these sectors. Moreover, the idea that digital economies should be subject to a separate regulation (=economic regulation) has begun to be voiced.

In this programme, the economic characteristics of digital markets (=platforms), how competition law rules are applied in these markets, whether this application is effective from the perspective of competition law, and whether separate and different legal instruments are needed for the effective application of competition law rules will be discussed.