Call For Papers: Competition Law in Practice Seminars 2025

Istanbul Bilgi University Competition Law and Policy Research Centre warmly invites academics, professionals, and competition authority officials to submit their research proposals on contemporary issues of competition law and policy for its 20th Competition Law in Practice Seminars.

Istanbul Bilgi University Competition Law and Policy Research Centre (“CLPRC”) is the leading academic institution conducting research on competition law and policy in Turkey with its conferences, training programmes and academic publications. Since 2006 the CLPRC hosts the yearly Competition Law in Practice Seminars as part of Istanbul Bilgi University’s Business Law LL.M. programme. In these seminars academics, professionals, and competition authority officials present pre-selected topics on contemporary issues in the field of competition law followed by a discussion session. More than a hundred participants followed the programme held in the previous years every week. With these seminars, the CLPRC aims to develop a better understanding of current competition law issues in Turkey, the EU, and around the globe and provide a forum for academic discussion in the field. Since its inception in 2006, the seminar programme has been able to attract public attention and gained a well-deserved reputation as a high-level discussion venue for scholars, practitioners, and enforcement officers in the field.

The recordings of the presentations are also published on the YouTube channel of the CLPRC. Video recordings of the presentations delivered in the previous programmes can be accessed at

Submission of Papers

The 20th Competition Law in Practice Seminars will take place between February and May 2025. In this respect academics, professionals and competition agency officials who are interested in delivering a presentation are encouraged to submit a 500 words abstract in which they outline the research questions they would focus and the contribution that their research aims to make along with their resume and contact details no later than December 20, 2024. All submissions will be reviewed using a double-blind review process by six independent reviewers (Academic Selection Committee) who will be asked to evaluate the papers in accordance with pre-set criteria.

Please send your research title, an abstract and your resume or a short biography to Selected papers will be announced, and applicants will be informed by January 03, 2024.

Academic Selection Committee

  • Prof Dr İ. Yılmaz Aslan, Istanbul Aydın University Faculty of Law
  • Prof Dr Kerem Cem Sanlı, Istanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Law 
  • Associate Prof Dr Gamze Aşçıoğlu Öz, Middle East Technical University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences 
  • Associate Prof Dr Kadir Baş, Marmara University Faculty of Law
  • Associate Prof Dr Zeynep Ayata, Koç University Faculty of Law
  • Assistant Prof Dr Muzaffer Eroğlu, Boğaziçi University Faculty of Law


Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their papers to a book, published by the CLPRC, as part of the Competition Law in Practice Seminars book series.


Deadline for Paper Submissions: 20/12/2024

Disclosure of Selected Papers: 03/01/2024

Announcement of the Programme Schedule: 20/01/2025


The programme will be held hybrid (online or in-person) in accordance with the preferences of the presenters.

In-person sessions will take place at Istanbul Bilgi University, SantralIstanbul Campus.

Contact Programme Coordinator:

Prof Dr Kerem Cem Sanlı, Director of CLPRC

E-mail / Tel.: / +90 (212) 311 51 60

Address: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi, Eski Silahtarağa Elektrik Santrali, Kazım Karabekir Cad., No.: 2/13, 34060, Eyüpsultan/İstanbul.