About Us
Istanbul Bilgi University Competition Law and Policy Research Centre ("CLPRC") was founded in 2010 as the first academic institution in the field of competition law and policy in Turkey with the aim of conducting and supporting research on competition law and providing a discussion forum at the national level for academics, lawyers and other professionals in the field.
The activities of the CLPRC are founded on three main principles:
- Interdisciplinary Approach: Making use of (industrial) economics in the area of competition law and regulation and emphasizing the importance of law and economics approach.
- Comparative Law Perspective: Approaching competition law in a comparative manner by closely following the developments in the EU and the US laws.
- Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners: In order to follow the actual problems of competition law enforcement and to meet the needs of the markets, maintaining close cooperation with professionals.
The CLPRC’s activities can be grouped under five main categories:
- Teaching Activities
- Research Activities
- Organization of Academic Events
- Collaboration Between Academics and Practitioners
- Dissemination of Knowledge
Teaching is the CLPRC’s principal activity. The CLPRC aims to increase the number of competition law courses both in graduate and undergraduate levels, to organize certificate and training programs for professionals, lawyers and public sector employees; especially for judiciary with the aim of enhancing professional knowledge in competition law and regulation.
Another central task of the CLPRC is conducting and supporting research activities on competition law and policy. In this respect, research activities and publications that are based on law and economics approach (economic analysis of law) regarding competition law and regulation are encouraged and especially interdisciplinary and comparative studies will be promoted via scholarships, awards etc.
Another priority of the CLPRC is organizing academic activities in order to increase awareness of competition law and regulation matters and to provide a discussion forum for scholars and practitioners on actual competition law matters. Therefore, the CLPRC hosts publicly available academic activities such as conferences, seminars, and workshops.
Dissemination of knowledge via publishing the results of our research and teaching activities is another primary goal of the CLPRC. With this purpose in mind, the CLPRC follows a policy of supporting academic research and publications in the area of competition law. In this respect, the CLPRC publishes the papers that are presented in the conferences and seminars and intends to keep following this policy and to grant awards for distinctive papers and publish successful dissertations in the field. In addition to publications, the CLPRC also provides video records of the seminars on its YouTube channel, the videos can be found on https://www.youtube.com/c/RekabetHukukuMerkezi